Sunday, 13 March 2011
Post Production
Jack Sent a letter to the owner of the music that we used that read:
"Dear Music Distributor,
I am writing to request use of one of your music files. I am representing 3 media students, who are creating a movie trailer for our coursework and after listening through one of your particular tracks, we felt it would be perfect for our movie trailer.
This trailer will not be distributed to audiences, and will in no way make a profit, so we are just asking for the use of it for copyright purposes.
Yours Sincerely
Jack Hector"
Stuart was incharge of edting of the film. However a Director I was present overseeing the editing, contributing ideas aswell as making sure the editing worked cohesively together and ran smoothly. Jack got all of the sound and music that we needed for the film.
We used Final Cut Express to edit our movie, alternatively we had access to iMovie but we felt iMovie did not have enough advanced functions at hand for us to use to create as high quality project that we hoped for. Final Cut also allowed us to be able to export the movie file in different ways and sizes.
We changed the canvas size to cater for the HD video we had recorded. To do this you press ctrl+c on the canvas, then make it 1080p size. One drawback of this is that it increased render time however we will have a better final result and give us less limitation when we finally export it.
We had an issue with directly inporting the clips into Final Cut. What we did to get around this was to import the footage into iMovie then exporting it to the desktop. Then we copiend the clips into my resources on Final Cut.
First we cut all the clips that we didn't want and imported the sounds that we ould be using.

We created a saturated effect with a deep blue hue for later use. The logo we had created for Back Alley Productions and Isolation on Paint Shop Pro we copied onto the timeline.

We started with the two pieces of text that would be in the trailer. We used sound accents when the test came up which focuesed the viewers attention and made it so the text moved slighlty.

There was a very interesting clip we had filmed of the antagonist walking towards the car. In this clip the headlights turned on and off, as he walked closer. My idea was that we should edit the trailer so that between the flashes of light we had other parts of the film. This helped to balance the trailer and gave an interesting effect as the story is gradually revealed. Stuart came up with an interesting light ray effect which enhanced these clips.

Jack was able to obtain a compilation track of different movie trailer songs. We listened to all of them carefully before selecting the one that we felt was most approriate for the film. It was slightly too long for what we wanted it for, so we had to cut it down a bit.
Using the internet we looked up what exporting settings would give us the best quality for our project. We exported using QuickTime Conversion, then made the format a QuickTime Movie file as opposed to an AVI or mpeg-4. Then we changed the compression type to PNG which is the best for exporting in HD, then made it export with millions of colours. Because our file wasn't a DV file, we had to make the size just "current" which we found was 720 x 404 pixels which we then de-interlaced. For the sound, we just made it the best quality possible, as a lot of the trailer was very sound orientated. I then un-checked the link to make it ready for internet streaming as this compresses the file which lowers the quality.

We used Final Cut Express to edit our movie, alternatively we had access to iMovie but we felt iMovie did not have enough advanced functions at hand for us to use to create as high quality project that we hoped for. Final Cut also allowed us to be able to export the movie file in different ways and sizes.
We changed the canvas size to cater for the HD video we had recorded. To do this you press ctrl+c on the canvas, then make it 1080p size. One drawback of this is that it increased render time however we will have a better final result and give us less limitation when we finally export it.
We had an issue with directly inporting the clips into Final Cut. What we did to get around this was to import the footage into iMovie then exporting it to the desktop. Then we copiend the clips into my resources on Final Cut.
First we cut all the clips that we didn't want and imported the sounds that we ould be using.

We created a saturated effect with a deep blue hue for later use. The logo we had created for Back Alley Productions and Isolation on Paint Shop Pro we copied onto the timeline.

We started with the two pieces of text that would be in the trailer. We used sound accents when the test came up which focuesed the viewers attention and made it so the text moved slighlty.

There was a very interesting clip we had filmed of the antagonist walking towards the car. In this clip the headlights turned on and off, as he walked closer. My idea was that we should edit the trailer so that between the flashes of light we had other parts of the film. This helped to balance the trailer and gave an interesting effect as the story is gradually revealed. Stuart came up with an interesting light ray effect which enhanced these clips.

Jack was able to obtain a compilation track of different movie trailer songs. We listened to all of them carefully before selecting the one that we felt was most approriate for the film. It was slightly too long for what we wanted it for, so we had to cut it down a bit.
Using the internet we looked up what exporting settings would give us the best quality for our project. We exported using QuickTime Conversion, then made the format a QuickTime Movie file as opposed to an AVI or mpeg-4. Then we changed the compression type to PNG which is the best for exporting in HD, then made it export with millions of colours. Because our file wasn't a DV file, we had to make the size just "current" which we found was 720 x 404 pixels which we then de-interlaced. For the sound, we just made it the best quality possible, as a lot of the trailer was very sound orientated. I then un-checked the link to make it ready for internet streaming as this compresses the file which lowers the quality.

Filming for the Second Time
Our original tape that we filmed on experienced technical difficulties adn we could not play it properly. It skipped around and lost sound. This was extremely frustrating considering how long we took to do it. I tried taking the camera and tape to a repair shop but theey couldn't do anything about it.
Because of the compications we had to film again. Originally we had used a Sony mini tape but his time we used a different camera that uses solid state memory, which is far more reliable than the tape. The camera we used is called a Sony HDR-XR155.
On the second time we filmed we where unable to get a second car so we had to change the plot to get around this. The antagonist attacks them on foot and from the front this time. Although filming again was tedious we where able to do more shots and techniques as well we where able to do it much quicker this time as we where far more experienced.
Because of the compications we had to film again. Originally we had used a Sony mini tape but his time we used a different camera that uses solid state memory, which is far more reliable than the tape. The camera we used is called a Sony HDR-XR155.
On the second time we filmed we where unable to get a second car so we had to change the plot to get around this. The antagonist attacks them on foot and from the front this time. Although filming again was tedious we where able to do more shots and techniques as well we where able to do it much quicker this time as we where far more experienced.
Creating The Poster
We had to make a poster which would accompany our film. Stuart was the one of our group who was most familiar with desing software such as photoshop so he made it while I contributed ideas and advice. We went out into Canford Heath and took a range of different pictures. We decided that we would use a picture of the sun beaming through some trees for our final poster.
Then, using Paint Shop Pro 8, me and Stuart began to edit the photo.
Then Stuart used the paint tool to Darken all around the edges of the photo which made the viewer to look centrally at the image. It also created a sense that the edges where closing in which we felt fitted well with our film. Also by darkening the image it looked a lot more forboding.
From our Research we had found that the cast, producer, editor, director, distributor and production company were all featured in small writing at the bottom of the poster. Stuart did this in White and cleverly darkened the background further around the text so it was easier to read. Also Stuart added our the logos of the production companies and distribution companies.

Then, using Paint Shop Pro 8, me and Stuart began to edit the photo.
First we changed the colour, contrast and brightness to overall enhance the picture to get it to look like what we wanted.
Then Stuart used the paint tool to Darken all around the edges of the photo which made the viewer to look centrally at the image. It also created a sense that the edges where closing in which we felt fitted well with our film. Also by darkening the image it looked a lot more forboding.
From our Research we had found that the cast, producer, editor, director, distributor and production company were all featured in small writing at the bottom of the poster. Stuart did this in White and cleverly darkened the background further around the text so it was easier to read. Also Stuart added our the logos of the production companies and distribution companies.

Actual Filming
We finally got round to do our filming when the weather was more generous. We used my camera to film and transported all the equipment to the location using my car.
Equipment that we used:
Sony XR-155 camera
White card to reflect light
Kodak HD pocket camera
I was the directorof the film, this meant I had to make sure everybody else knew what they where doing and when to do it aswell as organizing everything, I also had to find the location and make sure that the continuity between shots was kept. Jack was in charge of lighting, I showed him how we could use the torches and card to create softer reflections of light to better give the impression of natural light, and helped find the location to film. Stuart was mainly cameraman although I did film some shots, he was incharge of the camera and the various shots that we used.
Instead of using the Tripods that we bought for our film we held the camera wihth our hands. We felt this meant we could get better angles (e.g. we couldnt get the tripod open in the car), also we felt the shakiness helped to add to the disorientation and dramatized events.
We filmed each shot multiple times so we could look afterwards using hindsight and decide which was best for the production, and we also did each scene from different angles, so when editing the film we could cut between shots which we felt would make the film look more profeshionally done aswell as allowing the viewer to see what is taking place on screen far easier.
To get light ont he scene we either used a very high powered LED torch, the headlights from my car, natural light(Moon) or a slightly less powerful yellow tinted bulb torch. We felt that we dealt with the lack of light very well in the final piece. Shooting in the dark is always a huge problem even for films with huge budget and considering we didn't have a budget we did extremely well. At one point we did discuss using night on day but we felt it would retract from the realism of the piece as most people can spot it.
Whilst filming we kept to the original plot that we had planned for. When on set however complications meant we had to change some sections and new ideas came up which meant we shot scenes that we didn't initially plan for.
Equipment that we used:
Sony XR-155 camera
White card to reflect light
Kodak HD pocket camera
I was the directorof the film, this meant I had to make sure everybody else knew what they where doing and when to do it aswell as organizing everything, I also had to find the location and make sure that the continuity between shots was kept. Jack was in charge of lighting, I showed him how we could use the torches and card to create softer reflections of light to better give the impression of natural light, and helped find the location to film. Stuart was mainly cameraman although I did film some shots, he was incharge of the camera and the various shots that we used.
Instead of using the Tripods that we bought for our film we held the camera wihth our hands. We felt this meant we could get better angles (e.g. we couldnt get the tripod open in the car), also we felt the shakiness helped to add to the disorientation and dramatized events.
We filmed each shot multiple times so we could look afterwards using hindsight and decide which was best for the production, and we also did each scene from different angles, so when editing the film we could cut between shots which we felt would make the film look more profeshionally done aswell as allowing the viewer to see what is taking place on screen far easier.
To get light ont he scene we either used a very high powered LED torch, the headlights from my car, natural light(Moon) or a slightly less powerful yellow tinted bulb torch. We felt that we dealt with the lack of light very well in the final piece. Shooting in the dark is always a huge problem even for films with huge budget and considering we didn't have a budget we did extremely well. At one point we did discuss using night on day but we felt it would retract from the realism of the piece as most people can spot it.
Whilst filming we kept to the original plot that we had planned for. When on set however complications meant we had to change some sections and new ideas came up which meant we shot scenes that we didn't initially plan for.
Ther postponing of filming
Unfortunately, due to the weather of snow and ice, our filming had to be postponed until better conditions. So weused this extra time to slightly edit the plot of the film and develop the characters, we also got our equipment together and ready for when we wanted to film.
The location

The location I found was just outside Swanage in an area called rempstone which is located in Dorset. This meant that the loocation was close to our houses and we could easily get their and back with all of the equipment that we needed.
The location selected was extremely important as it had to strongly show the isolation of the main charecters. This are was perfect as it was filled with tiny country roads wiht no streetlighting or other vehicles present. We did most of our filming on one quite stretch of road as we felt it was the most appropriate location. The road was extremely isolated and had trees all around to which we felt established some sense of entrapment. As there was very little light at the location and we where doing our filming at night we had to either use torches or the moon for lighting.
Saturday, 12 March 2011
Friday, 19 November 2010
What Genre?
We had a long discussion as to what possibilities each genre would offer us as a group. We decided upon a thriller/horror, we felt this genre suited our group best as we are all fans of this type of film. I like these types of films because of the emotions that they create, the nail biting tension and suspense that a good thriller creates and the shock and terror that a high quality horror generates.
A2 Coursework Introduction
For my A2 advanced portfolio I am working in a group of three with Jack Hector and Stuart Duddlestone. In a group we discussed the multiple brief options we had to choose from and how we felt about taking each one. We decided on:
A promotion package for a new film, to include a teaser trailer, together with two of the following three options:
A website homepage for the film;
A film magazine front cover, featuring the film;
A poster for the film.
We chose this option because we are all very passionate about film and we have good access to the filming equipment and editing software that we need. I find it an exciting prospect to be able to create a well constructed and intelligent teaser trailer.
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